Five Key Aspects of Preventative Dental Care to Maintain Oral Health

HomeEmbark Dental BlogFive Key Aspects of Preventative Dental Care to Maintain Oral Health

Maintaining a beautiful smile is possible through consistent, preventative dental care. Healthy teeth require upkeep, and the best way to promote your oral health is to prevent damage from happening in the first place.

Five Key Aspects of Preventative Dental Care to Maintain Oral Health

Let’s get into five ways that preventative dental care maintains your oral health:

  1. Cleaning – Coming in for routine dental cleaning removes plaque, tartar, and stains for a brighter and cleaner smile. Preventing buildup helps to keep cavities from forming while promoting the overall health of your teeth.
  1. Checkup – Regular checkups are key in maintaining positive oral health. An oral exam checks for tooth decay and other common dental problems to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy.
  1. X-rays – Sometimes internal dental issues are not visible to the naked eye. Getting x-rays of your teeth and jaw gives your dentist insight on the overall health of your oral cavity.
  1. Fluoride – Protecting your teeth from wear and tear is doable with fluoride treatments. By sealing your teeth with a layer of protection, you’re preventing the risk of decay.
  1. Screening – Oral cancer is a leading complication of poor oral health. Getting screened once a year ensures any issues are caught in a timely manner to maintain the safety of your body and mouth.

Maintaining your oral health is important for keeping your teeth and gums healthy in the long run. At Embark Dental, our team provides high-quality dental care to keep your smile bright and healthy. Contact us today to get started on the journey to taking back your oral health.